Published: 06/11/2019 By Allan Fuller
Could the property market be fruitful or is it clouded in the political fog? With the election still just over 5 weeks away if you are not bored by politicians yet then you certainly will be by then! I strongly suspect that far fewer people are watching the news.
What was really interesting for us was that despite a certain Rugby match last weekend we had one of the busiest Saturdays of the year for people viewing properties for sale followed by several offers on Monday. It seems that there are people that just want and need to get on with their lives.
The hope is that soon there will be a new parliament sitting, although bound to have a long Christmas holiday. Poor things MPs, hate for them not to get enough R&R buy then. Come January, Brexit gets sorted and then we really will see people getting far more active and anyone who put off moving this year resolving to do in it 2020. If you are thinking of a move in 2020 now is a great time to prepare and we are always available to give you a full appraisal of your property and give you our tips of how to present it in the best light to attract maximum interest. Call us any time or email to;