Allan's May Market Update

Published: 02/05/2024 By Allan Fuller

May is often the busiest month of the year for our sales division, after hitting our target for creating and agreeing sales in April it certainly looks like being a very active month ahead. 

At long last we are promised better weather, and this always helps to encourage activity. Who wants to be out looking when it seems to be constantly raining!

With over 40 years successfully selling thousands of properties locally we are best placed to give straight honest advice.

We offer a two-month rolling contract, with one month notice at any time from the date of first marketing. We do not know of any agent brave enough to back their advice like that!

If you are thinking it is time to move house, our highly experienced valuation team of myself, John Ralph and Anna Haughton will not give you a load of nonsense or hard sell, just an in-depth appraisal with lots of comparable advice of sales of other similar properties locally as well as recommendations of how to present the property in the most advantageous way.