Published: 03/02/2023 By Allan Fuller
It says it received representations from residents about the volume and speed of traffic on Medfield Street and responded by installing a speed indicator device in the road and in collaboration with the Police, conducted a Community Road Watch (CRW) exercise on the 21 September 2022.
These did not identify a speeding issue that is above the threshold for intervention as per the Council’s Traffic Management Policy. However, traffic volumes were in excess of stated thresholds in this policy and therefore it was decided to implement a measure to reduce traffic volume levels.
The Council is now proposing to undertake a six-month trial of a bus gate restriction outside 15 Medfield Street, just after Hungerford Motors Ltd using an Experimental Traffic Order. This aims to deter people using Medfield Street as a cut through from Roehampton Lane to Putney Heath.
During the bus gate operational hours, access from A306 Roehampton Lane to Ponsonby Road would be via Roehampton High Street, Treville Street and Medfield Street. School Street operational hours on Ponsonby Road remain unaffected.
A bus gate restriction means no motor vehicles can access except for buses and black cabs. This will effectively remove all motor vehicles eastbound movements from the A306 Roehampton Lane and it is anticipated this will halve traffic volume on Medfield Street.
The council wants to hear from residents about their opinions on the proposal and the hours of operation.
You can submit your feedback online until 17 February.
If you require the questionnaire in paper form or another format contact